Resumo do Livro Oliver Twist
Oliver era um garoto órfão que vivia em um abrigo onde trabalhava muito e passava fome. Aos 11 anos foi forçado pelos companheiros do orfanato a pedir por mais comida e foi castigado por tal ação. Com medo da ameaça de ser vendido, como punição por Mr Bumble, responsável pelo orfanato, fugiu em direção a Londres. Após caminhar por 7 dias e mendigar comida encontrou um garoto chamado Dodger que o levou até Fagin um velho que ensinava crianças a roubar pessoas nas ruas.
Um dia Dodger levou Oliver em uma rua bem movimentada para roubar. Dodger roubou um homem chamado Mr Brownlow que logo percebeu que seus pertences haviam sumido e ao olhar para trás se depara com Oliver e o acusa do roubo. Oliver foi inocentado por uma testemunha que viu seus amigos fugindo com os objetos furtados. Mr Brownlow levou Oliver para sua casa onde morou por alguns dias confortavelmente. Mr Brownlow tinha um retrato de uma mulher ao qual Oliver se parecia muito com ela, ficou desconfiado e pensativo devido a esta semelhança. Fagin mandou Nancy, namorada de seu comparsa Bill Sikes para as ruas para recuperar Oliver.
Passado alguns dias, Oliver foi fazer um favor para Mr Brownlow. Ele foi levar alguns livros para uma loja (bookstall), mas Nancy e Bill o encontram na rua e levaram-no de volta a Fagin. Oliver foi obrigado a participar de um assalto de uma casa, mas acabou sendo ferido. Bill e um outro bandido que acompanhou Oliver fugiram e deixaram-no na rua. Oliver voltou ferido para a casa do assalto e foi socorrido por duas mulheres, uma delas era Rose Maylie. Oliver contou a elas sua terrível história e passou a viver nesta casa.
Um homem chamado Monk foi procurar a matriarca do orfanato da época do nascimento de Oliver e resgatou os pertences deixados da mãe de Oliver que morreu após dar a luz. Monks jogou os pertences no rio para que não fosse encontrado. O motivo pelo qual Monk fez isso era porque ele era irmão de Oliver e não queria dividir a herança com ele. Monk encontrou Fagin e contou o que havia feito.
Nancy descobre a história de Monk e foi contar para Rose Maylie que Monk era irmão de Oliver e que ele corria perigo. Infelizmente Nancy não sabia que estava sendo seguida. Fagin contou a Bill que Nancy iria entregá-los a polícia. Bill ficou furioso e assassinou Nancy.
Mr Brownlow encontrou Monk e contou tudo que sabia: que o pai de Monk chamado Leeford, teve um casamento infeliz com sua mãe e se separou. Após isto, Leeford teve um caso com Agnes, mãe de Oliver. Em seguida Leeford foi para Roma para recorrer uma herança e meses depois morreu. Antes de morrer Leeford entrega um retrato de Agnes para seu amigo Mr Brownlow. Agnes deu a luz a Oliver em uma casa de abrigo e também morreu logo após o parto.
Monk teve que dividir a herança com seu irmão. Fagin, Bill e Monk foram presos por terem sido acusados de assassinar Nancy. Todos os três vilões morreram na prisão, sendo que um deles se enforcou por engano ao tentar fugir.
Mr Brownlow comprou uma casa perto da casa de Rose e adotou Oliver.
Oliver Twist summary
Oliver was an orphan boy that Born in a workhouse at the England. Workhouses were terrible the poor people lived. In this place Oliver had to work very hard and he had to eat awful foods. One day when Oliver was eleven, he was obliged to ask for more food by his roommates, so he was beaten with a stick by Mr Bumble, the workhouse’s master. Afraid of to be sold by Mr Bumble because of his bad behavior, Oliver ran away to London. After walked by seven days and begged for food, he found a boy called Dodger that took him to Fagin. Fagin was an old man who taught kids how to steal people on the streets.
One Day Dodger took Oliver to a crowded street to steal. Then Dodger stole a man called Mr Brownlow that saw your wallet had gone away. He looked behind himself and met Oliver, so Mr Brownlow made an accusation to Oliver. The boy was free after an eyewitness had said that the other boys ran away with the wallet stolen. Mr Brownlow took Oliver to his home for some days. After that Fagin asked to Nancy, the Bill Sike’s girlfriend, looking for Oliver at the streets. Bill Sikes is another bad man and Fagin’s friend.
Some days later Oliver made a favor to Mr Brownlow and took some books in a bookstall for him, but Nancy and Bill found Oliver at the street and brought him to Fagin. After that, Oliver couldn’t came back to Mr Borwnlow and had to make an attack in a house, but he was injured. Bill and the other guy that were with Oliver ran away and left the boy alone at the street near the house. Oliver came back to that house and was helped by two women that one of them was called Rose Maylie. The poor boy told them his history and started to live in this house.
A man called Monk was looking for the matrons of the workhouse that Oliver lived before. The man get the things that were left by the Oliver’s mom when she died after she had give birth the boy. Monk threw away the things at the river for no one find again. Monk made this because he was Oliver’s brother and he didn’t want to share that father’s money left when he died.
Monk found Fagin and told him the history. In this part of the history it was possible to see that Monk had combined with Fagin for to make Oliver a thief to him will be arrest and hanged. Nancy listened the conversation and told everything to Rose Mailye for save Oliver. Unfortunately Nancy didn’t know that she had been followed by Dodger. Then Fagin told to Bill that Nancy will tell the police the truth. Bill got angry and murdered Nancy.
Mr Brownlow found Monk and told him everything he knew: that his father got married with his mother, but they ended because they were unhappy. After that, his father had an affair with Agnes, the Oliver’s mom. Then his father went to Roma because he inherited a lot of money and months after he felt and died. Agnes gave birth to Oliver and also died. His father and Mr brownlow were closest friends.
Monk had to share the inherited with his brother. Fagin, Bill and Monk were arrest and all of them died on the prison. Mr Brownlow bought a house near from Rose’s house and he adopted Oliver. “And they lived happily ever after”.